Welcome Back to School!

Fáilte is fiche roimh gach mac máthair ‘gus inion athair agus sibh ag teacht ar air ar scoil linn. Guím rath Dé oraibh agus ar bhúr gclainne uile sa bhaile ‘s I gcéin.

A big welcome to our new 84 boys who commenced junior infants- as well as 4 boys who have replaced others up the School. Our new pupils- and indeed their Parents- are settling very well. Starting big school is as we have discussed a big change and challenge and we will meet it together. It is no less a challenge for boys in senior infants, 1st and 2nd classes.

For a pupil, getting to know a new teacher is like building any relationship – there is the initial excitement……. followed by the first ‘no’………followed by the realisation that there will be give and take……the sharing of autonomy ……..and the final realisation that this woman is in charge! (with apologies to Mr. Harvey!)

Parents can be anxious too about their son with his new teacher. It is best to give it a few weeks before meeting formally. This gives the class teacher time to get to know the class and so a meeting, when it is necessary, will be more informed. In the case of a boy with special educational needs or indeed a boy who has experienced a serious and upsetting change since June, the teacher will be in contact with you very shortly.

Quick fact- the School is now at maximum capacity- 336 pupils on roll!