Afterschool Chess Classes – April 2012

Chess classes commenced in Belgrove in mid April. Irish Chess-Ace Rory Delaney, who has extensive experience teaching young children the basics and beyond of chess strategy, managed to keep 16 of our first and second class boys enthralled for an hour. He spent 30 minutes outlining the basics and then off they went in pairs playing matches for the remainder of the class. It is incredible how fast they learn! Classes will run after school in the reception area of the new build on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Belgrove has invested in 15 new chess sets to help us in the quest to find the next Garry Kasparov in our midst. Rory Delaney is offering the lessons directly to parents, facilitated by the Parents Association. All future payments/correspondence regarding the classes should go through Rory directly rather than through the school office. Rory’s next school-bag leaflet, to be distributed In September, will include his contact details.

Afterschool Chess Class Photos